Without Walls

There’s a popular quote often said by nature preschool and forest kindergarten teachers, when asked about whether or not children who have been diagnosed with ADHD can “handle” being outdoors. It goes like this, “Kids don’t bounce off the walls when there are no walls.”

Today, during School JOY, my kids bounced along the trail, scaled tall trees, swung in hammocks, built a mouse village, sat peacefully at their sit-spot.

The behaviors attributed to ADHD only occur when children are confined to indoor spaces. Set them free to explore the outdoors, and watch them thrive!

About Mary Russell

I'm a "multipotentialite", turning my passions into careers. My main passions are learning, teaching, creativity, adventure, and compassion.
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2 Responses to Without Walls

  1. suryasmiles says:

    Love it. Wonderful pictures.


  2. WearYourMask says:

    Love it! Wonderful photos.


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