GIFTS “Accepting nature’s gift of the seasons is like opening brightly colored packages loosely tied with crinkled ribbons”.

In 2009 my dear friend Julie gave me a gift that keeps on giving, for my birthday. It offers me the wisdom, inspiration, advice, joy, and thoughtfulness anyone like me needs. It’s a daily reminder of our friendship and the fact that we are all doing the best we can with what we currently have at our disposal.

The gift of snow, in an otherwise arid environment, blanketing an otherwise naked landscape.

I’ve given others this same gift over the years, and know that its daily inspiration offers them their own motivation to keep going, no matter the challenge, small or large.

The gift of camping in remote locations, void of noise and filled with starlit skies.

Some gifts keep on giving, and this book is one that will keep giving me the “peace and understanding” I need, until my final day.

At Journeys Out Yonder, there’s no such thing as bad weather. On this day, April 1, 2021, I awoke to another gloriously sunny, blue-sky day here in Boulder, Colorado. It’s easy for me to say this, in a location that gets over 300 days of sunshine. In all the places I’ve lived, with weather that keeps many indoors, I’ve embraced the heat, sun, rain, wind, snow, sleet, and cold. As a human, I have all the comforts necessary to keep myself comfortable, regardless of the weather.


About Mary Russell

I'm a "multipotentialite", turning my passions into careers. My main passions are learning, teaching, creativity, adventure, and compassion.
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